Gynecomastia Treatment Options: The search for natural gynecomastia treatment is growing more popular on the internet these days; all thank goes to those body conscious males who are now not at all afraid of seeking options to gynecomastia self-treatment. Previously, talking about gynecomastia was a taboo and men avoid discussing their situation in public.
But nowadays, men and even celebrities are frankly discussing their battle with gynecomastia. Further, in this article, you are going to know about male breast treatment options, both temporary and permanent, along with their benefits and drawbacks.
Table of Contents
Latest Gynecomastia Treatment Options
Surgical Treatment For Gynecomastia
When all other option fails to deliver a permanent solution, gynecomastia surgery is the final solution. Though it is an expensive gynecomatia treatment option, you can rely on it. Earlier gynecomastia surgery was the treatment choice for only celebrities and wealthy persons, but nowadays it has become a standard treatment option.
If you opt for surgery, you will be totally under the guidance of the surgeon. Pre-surgery process and post-surgery process all will be under his surveillance. On your consensus, you will find what you desired, flat chest.
1- If the surgery is carried by a specialized gynecomastia surgeon, the success rate will be 100%
2- Surgery period is four days that means you get the flat chest in a fast way.
3- Among all available treatment options, surgery delivers you a permanent solution in the fastest way possible.
4- One major drawback is its cost; you will have to pay around $6000-8500.
5- Post surgery period is quite painful and takes time to get back to the normal routine
Most common side effects related to the surgical process are surgical wound infection, hematoma, breast asymmetry, necrosis of the areola or nipple, changes in sensation in the breast, contour deformities and noticeable or painful scars.
Gynecomastia Treatment Without Surgery
Gynecomastia Treatment Drugs & Medications
Male breast reduction drugs are categorized into two classes, Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) and Aromatise Inhibitor (AI), and both are very strong. As you might be knowing that the main culprit of man boobs is estrogen and it develops in male due to the aromatization process. Aromatization is a process where testosterone converts into estrogen. SERM and AI are effective in blocking this process. Where AI prevents the aromatization process from performing in your body, SERM reduces the effects of estrogen in breast tissues. Though being effective in preventing estrogen from producing in your breast tissue, both the drugs (SERM & AI) are strictly available only after the prescription of doctors. These drugs are used for treating breast cancer in females, and therefore they cannot be considered a safe alternative to surgery.
Best Gynecomastia Drugs on Amazon>>
SERM class drugs are β
AI class drugs are β
Gynecomastia Testosterone Treatment
Hormone Balance
When you are looking for natural gyno treatment options, one central aspect that you must keep in your mind is that the primary cause of gynecomastia is the exceeding level of estrogen in your body. The source for the exceeding estrogen level may differ with every case but finally, the outcome is excess estrogen resulting man boobs. While looking for a prominent solution for gynecomastia, we must also look for a solution to control and access the estrogen intake.
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Before opting and going with any gynecomastia treatment option, you must get the accurate picture of the estrogen level of your body. For this, you can consult pathophysiology or gynecomastia specialist. Some tests made by the doctor will show you an actual picture of your estrogen level. This will help you in finding the perfect solution for your gynecomastia problem.
Non Permanent Treatment For Gynecomastia
Compression Shirts
When your enlarged breast torments your general physique, the first thing you need is to hide it from others while trying other options to get rid of it. Here come compression shirts into play. As you all know that women have various apparel and undergarments such as girdles to hide their unpleasant bulges and extra curves. Similarly, men also have an option to hide their unwanted man boobs; itβs gynecomastia shirts (also referred to as compression vest, male bra, and breast binding vest).
Gynecomastia shirts are meant to wear under regular clothes; now compression shirts start its job by smoothing your bulges and providing you most toned shape that you ever desired. Your enlarged moobs will get compressed, shaping unsightly lumps in your chest, no more making you ashamed of anything.
Compression shirts are so comfortable making you wear your regular outfits without anyone noticing that you are wearing any aid underneath. The only thing that anyone notices is your confidence and toned body.
Best Compression Shirts For Gynecomastia on Amazon>>
1- The main thing about compression shirts is its cost. They are inexpensive and cheap. Good quality branded compression shirts will cost you not more than $50.
2- Another major pro about compression shirts is that the results are instant, make sure itβs temporary. If you are short of budget or no time to wait for getting flatten chest, Gynecomastia Shirts are for you
3- If you are not sure how your chest would be after using supplements or surgery, compression shirts will make you feel how amazing it is to have a flat chest.
4- The major drawback for compression shirts is that the results are temporary. As you remove it, you will back with your male breast.
5- In the initial days of use, you will feel some uneasiness. But as you use it regularly, you will get used to it.
Home Based Natural Gynecomastia Treatment
Diet & Exercise
Rarely some foods can lead to gynecomastia. These foods contain a substance named Phytoestrogen, resembling estrogen. Soy protein, such as tofu, flax seed, and soy milk, contain phytoestrogens in very high quantity. These types of food are the best protein alternative for meat. Therefore, vegetarian males who consume these foods are quite obviously taking enough phytoestrogen that results in gynecomastia.
Best Diet Plans For Gynecomastia on Amazon>>
If thatβs the condition, reducing intake of soy can help you recover from man boobs. Men who are thinking that this is the actual reason for their male breast, itβs worthy for them to maintain a food diary to monitor the consumption of phytoestrogen. Also, check the pack of processed foods before consuming as manufacturers often use soy as a bulking ingredient.
Another way you can influence your man boobs through diet is weight regulation. Obesity or weight gain through consuming high-calorie foods also drives you to gynecomastia. Fighting gynecomastia by controlling calorie diet along with exercise will surely help you to get rid of man boobs. The foods that are considered high-calorie foods are Dried fruits, Peas, Beans, Flax seed, Sesame seeds, Bran cereals, Chickpeas, Soybean, Alfalfa sprouts, Tofu and Tempeh.
Herbal Treatment For Gynecomastia
Gynecomatia Cream Treatment
Because this is a difficult and embarrassing disease, a large number of treatment manufacturers have formulated a discreet method of getting rid of male breasts. A topical cream is one such treatment. While it is an effective supplement, it is risk-free to use and can be taken with any type of food without fear of any side effect results. In addition, because it is taken into account with a supplement you do not require that they get all the prescriptions. The product was examined thoroughly prior to launch for any kind of negative effects, and no one reported. Even today, there are no complaints to worry of any kind of short or long term adverse effects. However, you should follow the directions and not to take more pills than recommended.

Gynexol is the first of it’s kind topical treatment for gynecomastia. The cream is formulated with 100% natural ingredients that helps in burning chest fat without possessing any side effects.
Gynexol Info & Best Price>>
Gyno-Burn Cream

Gyno-Burn cream is another potent topical option to eliminate gynecomastia. After Gynexol, this cream is a perfect option to get rid of man boobs in a natural way, without any pain.
Gyno-Burn Cream Info & Best Price>>
Best Gynecomastia Treatment Cream
Gynecomastia Treatment Pills
The most searched gynecomastia non-surgical treatment now days are male breast reduction supplements. These herbal supplements especially target hormonal imbalance to reverse the development of breast tissue. Gyno supplements are the most popular gyno treatment at home among all men because of their low cost and permanent solution for gynecomastia without going under costly surgical process.
Anyone who is looking for a gynecomastia treatment option that is both affordable and effective, gynecomastia supplements are for them. There are various prominent supplements such as Gynexin that can help you get rid of gynecomastia fast and effectively.
1- Herbal supplements are one and only option to get rid of gynecomastia without surgery.
2- Though these supplements are not the cheaper option but comparing to surgery they are cheapest.
3- When using gynecomastia supplement, you will not be required to take off from your work, as you need in the case of surgery.
4- One drawback is that in back days some men reported that they are not satisfied with the results they got.

Gynexin is a prominent name in gynecomastia supplement market. The supplement is formulated with 100% natural ingredients that focus on eliminating chest fat tissue to provide flat chest.
Gynexin Info & Best Price>>

Gynectrol is another popular addition by Crazy Bulk, a popular bodybuilding supplement brand, to gynecomastia supplement market. The supplement focus on hormonal balance to elimiante gyno.
Gynectrol Info & Best Price>>
Gyno-Burn Pills For Gynecomastia

Gyno-Burn is a gyno supplement that is claimed to eliminate chest fat with it’s powerful combination of potent ingredients. The supplement do not possess much positive reviews and feedback.
Gyno-Burn Pills Info & Best Price>>
Best Treatment Pills For Gynecomastia
I have two favorites in my gynecomatia treatment supplements rack, Gynexin and Gynectrol. Gynexin is one of the longest running tried and tested supplement to burn chest fat. Whereas, Gynectrol is a gyno supplement by popular muscle building & legal steroid brand, Crazy Bulk, that helps in eliminating gynecomastia through hormonal balancing.

Gynexin – Tried & Tested Pills For Gynecomastia

Gynectrol – Pills To Rebalance Your Hormones